SKY 2014 Abstracts

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 1

An Unified Behaviour Model to Predict Web 2.0 Adoption as a Tool for Software-Knowledge Sharing


Manuel Fernández-Utrilla, Pilar Fernández-Utrilla and Gonzalo Mariscal

Abstract: The most powerful tool for software developers to connect with each others is social networking. These applications are normally free of charge. The professional use of these applications exceeds beyond the fun. An unified behaviour model to predict web 2.0 adoption as a tool for Software-Knowledge sharing based on two solid and tested theories, theory of planned behaviour and self-determination theory, will be reached by this study. A single model, which will join these theories, will accurately predict a use of these communication tools to set connections among professional groups: software developers in particular. These models determine the factors that mainly affect the intention to use described in order to improve these tools with a high probability of success. These professionals could share knowledge, keys and bugs in order to find the best solution. A representative number of software developers have participated in this study in order to research what the reason is because these professionals do not use these tools with that aim.

Paper Nr: 5

Systems Engineering Requirements: A Guided Example of an Applied Knowledge System


Anabel Fraga and Juan Llorens

Abstract: Knowledge is centric to systems engineering, the knowledge management process must take into account that a System Knowledge Repository (SKR) exists as a key element for either quality improvement, traceability support and, in summary, reuse purposes. Requirements engineering in the Systems Engineering process is enhanced by using knowledge systems and quality of requirements enriched as well. The more correct, complete and consistent a requirement is, the best performance it will have and knowledge systems enable a more exhaustive and fast quality process. A knowledge management process is proposed and it is guided by a requirements domain based example.

Paper Nr: 8

Apogee: Application Ontology Generation from Domain Ontologies


Iaakov Exman and Danil Iskusnov

Abstract: To achieve runnable knowledge from the highest abstraction level of an application one needs to start with a set of application ontologies. But application ontologies are not readily available in the literature. One needs to generate dedicated and smaller application ontologies from larger generic domain ontologies. The main problem to be solved is to generate application ontologies with optimal size given two opposing criteria: to enlarge the selected domain ontology segments to include most relationships between relevant concepts, as opposed to reduce the same segments to exclude irrelevant terms. The proposed solution is to traverse the domain ontology just one level upward from the last relevant keywords found. The work also describes a chain of algorithms and practical techniques to reach the proposed solution stage. Finally, case studies are used to actually illustrate the whole approach.

Paper Nr: 9

SPRing: Iterative Overcoming of Software Misuse


Leah Goldin and Reuven Gallant

Abstract: Software misuse may cause very undesirable and expensive outcomes. Our work has proposed and we have been developing a priori preparation techniques of an embedded software system for eventual extensions that enable overcoming the consequences of its misuse. The center of gravity of this paper is its iterative aspect. In other words, extensions may be added, either continuously or after some time discontinuity. This is attained by means of SPRing, a convenient acronym of Software Proactive Reengineering. SPRing is based upon domain knowledge to model the system misuse. Specifically, system behaviors modeled by statechart diagrams, can be reengineered to suitably extend them, in order to correct diverse misuse outcomes. The approach is demonstrated by case studies related to Signal Traffic Lights and their controllers

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 2

Location-based Fast Recommendation Social Network


Iaakov Exman and Erez Nagar

Abstract: Location-based response to queries has the potential to improve the quality of recommendations. But in order to actually improve quality one needs in addition to location-based, also time-dependent evaluation of the basis for recommendation. We propose the usage of opinion-ontologies – a short and sharp loosely structured subjective ontology – that can be transmitted in real-time and be integrated with previously received opinion-ontologies. This approach has been designed and implemented into a system with wireless smartphone clients and servers supporting information integration, evaluation and recommendation formulation. The approach has been tested with a prototype composed of existing software packages playing the needed roles in the designed system.

Paper Nr: 3

Working More Effectively with Legacy Code Using Domain Knowledge and Abstractions: A Case Study


Igor Osetinsky and Reuven Yagel

Abstract: We describe how using abstractions based on domain knowledge can improve the process of changing legacy code. The central claim of this paper is that ontologies are a desirable starting point, not only for development of new code, but also for effective refactoring of legacy code. We start from a standard refactoring method from the literature of working with legacy code, and show how it has been improved into knowledge-based refactoring. A use case illustrates the practical application in an industrial project setting.

Paper Nr: 7

Ontologies + Mock Objects = Runnable Knowledge


Iaakov Exman, Anton Litovka and Reuven Yagel

Abstract: Ontologies constitute the highest abstraction level in software systems. But in order to obtain runnable and testable software knowledge we can supplement ontologies with mock objects. This work formulates a basic Generation Algorithm to actually obtain testable high level code. The Generation Algorithm has been implemented in a system by means of existing tools. The approach has been tested with several case studies. We then examine fundamental issues, say whether the supplementary mock objects are essential in all cases, or can be substituted by perfect ontologies.

Paper Nr: 10

Ontology Hierarchy Self Generation using Algebraic Multi-Grid (AMG)


Radel Ben-Av

Abstract: In Computer Science an ontology is a standardized representation of knowledge as a set of concepts within a domain, and the relationships between those concepts. This can be described as a graph or a network. In this paper we discuss the possibility of revealing a hierarchy of element-class from the network itself. We will use the Algebraic-Multi-Grid (AMG) concepts and tools for the Laplace equation defined on this network.