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2nd International Workshop on Software Knowledge - SKY 2011

26 October, 2011 - Paris, France

Iaakov Exman
JCE - Jerusalem College of Engineering

Juan Llorens
Carlos III of Madrid University

Anabel Fraga
Carlos III of Madrid University
SKY - a shorthand for "Software Knowledge" - is meant to indicate that software in its higher levels of abstraction is a new kind of knowledge. This is quite intuitive when one thinks that a UML diagram of a software package, with its classes and relations, can be easily viewed as the set of classes and relations of a knowledge ontology, or represented by Description Logics. What is much less trivial is that this new kind of knowledge is Runnable knowledge. Software Knowledge is a runnable expression of meaning.

For further details, see also the SoftwareKnowledge.org website.

The main theme of the SKY2011 Workshop is Discovery and Representation of Runnable Knowledge of desired types. We mean discovery in software data repository of any size, up to the whole Web. Representation is essential to facilitate discovery and to preserve its results.

The Workshop main objective is to rigorously close the gap between the high-level abstractions found in software modeling languages and widely accepted knowledge representation techniques. This might probably be done in two complementary directions:
- Semantic add-ons to existing software models. This will enable usage of standard knowledge discovery techniques for runnable Knowledge;
- Dynamic add-ons to knowledge representation. These involve states, transitions and messages adding time-dependence, as a novel part of knowledge representation.
Topics of Interest
Software-Knowledge is the highest of a software hierarchy of abstraction levels. Thinking Software as Knowledge opens the possibility to apply Knowledge processes, models, and tools to improve Software discovery, development and management.
On the other hand, consider Software-Knowledge as an evolution of Software. In this second sense we have time dependent behavior. The entropy of a software package gradually increases along time. Software left alone, without knowledge distillation efforts, inexorably decays say, by accumulation of raw information.

SKY2011 topics of relevance include but are not limited to:

Software-Knowledge Hierarchy and Operations
  • Software-Knowledge Selectivity and Traceability
  • Software-Knowledge Sharing: Meta-models, Interchange Formats, and Tools
  • At last KDA (Knowledge Driven Architecture)
Software-Knowledge Representation and Semantics
  • Software-Knowledge Representation and Modeling
  • Semantic Software Representations (SKOS, Ontologies, and more)
  • Semantics above and beyond Design Patterns
  • Runnable and Testable Knowledge Representations
Software-Knowledge Discovery and Time-dependence
  • Software-Knowledge Mining and Harvesting
  • Software Mining Strategies based upon Knowledge Evolution
  • Web Dynamics and Interestingness
  • Software-Knowledge Decay and Entropy Increase
  • Search assisted Discovery of Suitable Components/Models/Code for Reuse
  • Discovery based Software Engineering
Expected Outcomes
Expected outcomes of the SKY Workshop are:

⇒ To launch a preliminary effort to standardize a Software-Knowledge representation consisting of software modeling language encompassing semantics as first class objects. This should facilitate "routine" discovery of software components.

⇒ An open brain storming session on the broad topic of "Can software be considered as knowledge?".
Workshop Program Committee
Hernán Astudillo, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Sidney C. Bailin, Knowledge Evolution, Inc., U.S.A.
Rachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohari, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Israel
Dragan Djuric, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Iaakov Exman, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Israel
Yishai Feldman, IBM Research Laboratory in Haifa, Israel
Michael Fink, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Anabel Fraga, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Bill Frakes, Virginia Tech., U.S.A.
José Miguel Fuentes, The Reuse Company, Spain
Gonzalo Génova, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Paulo Gomes, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Donald Kraft, US Air Force Academy, U.S.A.
Steven Kraines, University of Tokyo, Japan
Juan Llorens, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Jorge Morato, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Jose Antonio Moreiro, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Fernando Silva Parreiras, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Tal Pasternak, NDS, Israel
Rubén Prieto-Diaz, James Madison University, U.S.A.
Gil Regev, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
David C. Rine, George Mason University, U.S.A.
Michal Smialek, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
All accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings book, under an ISBN reference and on CD-ROM support.
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SciTePress Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/). SciTePress is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).