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Universities, R&D Groups and Academic Networks

IC3K is a unique forum for universities, research groups and research projects to present their research and scientific results, be it by presenting a paper, hosting a tutorial or instructional course or demonstrating its research products in demo sessions, by contributing towards panels and discussions in the event's field of interest or by presenting their project, be it by setting up an exhibition booth, by being profiled in the event's web presence or printed materials or by suggesting keynote speakers or specific thematic sessions.

Special conditions are also available for Research Projects which wish to hold meetings at INSTICC events.

Current Academic Partners:

Hudup - A Framework of E-commercial Recommendation Algorithms

Recommendation algorithm is very important for e-commercial websites when it can recommend online customers favorite products, which results out an increase in sale revenue. The project produces the framework of e-commercial recommendation algorithms, named Hudup. This is a middleware framework or “operating system” for e-commercial recommendation software, which support scientists and software developers build up their own recommendation algorithms with low cost, high achievement and fast speed. Concretely, you need to develop a recommendation solution for online-sale website. You, a scientist, invent a new algorithm after researching many years. Your solution is excellent and very useful but you cope with many difficulties relevant to heterogeneous models in recommendation studies, processing data, evaluation metrics, and simulation environment. Hudup supports you to solve perfectly these difficulties via three stages such as base stage – building up your algorithm, evaluation stage – evaluating your algorithm according to pre-defined metrics, and simulation stage – providing a simulator which helps you to test your algorithm in real-time applications. The product introduction is accepted to be published in American Journal of Computer Science and Information Engineering, American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT). The product is available at

REDIRNET - Emergency Responder Data Interoperability Network

REDIRNET - Emergency Responder Data Interoperability Network, will provide a decentralized framework for interoperability for first responders’ systems based on a public meta-data gateway controlled by the agencies themselves via a REDIRNET socio-professional web. Agencies will be able link up to partner agencies of their choice and operational need; they will also be able to manage the scope of such interoperability. To help set up these link-up arrangements REDIRNET will be enhanced with semantic web methods in accordance with the vocabulary and processes of the user community. Inter-operating agencies will need only to develop one gateway (to REDIRNET) leading to a cost effective solution; agent technologies will also be developed to facilitate the integration of user systems into REDIRNET.

CLAFIS - Crop, Livestock and Forests Integrated System for Intelligent Automation

CLAFIS will address the needs for seamless data transfer between complex field devices/automation systems and IT systems for several stakeholders in the European agribusiness and forestry production sectors. The CLAFIS technology platform will further provide some very important key features in agribusiness field systems, equipment and machinery and devices.

OpenSkiMr – A Job-and Learning-Platform


OPENSKIMR is the EU-funded project that aims to create a possible skill-matchmaking between talents, and jobs and the required learning to support people in creating their personal career routes. This project is based on two unique features:

·      We build on latest version the European classification system ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations). ESCO is part of the Europe 2020 strategy and therefore an ongoing project with an open stakeholder consultation in which we are part in.

·      We develop a set of algorithms that match talents with the perfect fitting job and in addition, suggest learnings which shall be supported in evolving personal career routes of future STEM talents. OPENSKIMR draws the bow between talents, job and upskilling through needed learnings. It is a tool which aims to support people individually with their personal career path and combines life-long-learning opportunities with specific job offers.

The consortium members are: PDAgroup as business partner, MCI & The Entrepreneurial University with its academic background and Telefónica Educación Digital S.L.U. with its know-how in e-education and media production. Digital Europe and European Schoolnet will participate as sub-contractors, integrating their special expertise in the digital technology industry in Europe as well as in teaching and learning.


The vision of this pilot project is to develop a life-long companion, which guides talents through their "career path planning". OPENSKIMR envisions to upskill and guide talents in the ICT sector and thereby reduce the unemployment rate and increase the mobility in Europe as well. Our vision involves

·      The development of an independent expert and talent community.

·      A set of algorithms, which involve the match-making and the recommendation of jobs and the right education, based on dynamic talents skill sets.

·      The proof of concept of our approach through a platform with real data of talents, opportunities and learnings.



The mission of this pilot project is to spread and improve the availability of digital skills in Europe in order to foster digitization to reduce the youth unemployment rate, to improve the employability, to provide guidance and to show possibilities to talents spread over the whole of Europe.
