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6th International Workshop on Software Knowledge - SKY 2015

12 - 14 November, 2015 - Lisbon, Portugal

In conjunction with the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - IC3K 2015

Call for SKY'2015 Challenge
See SKY'2015 Challenge – Summary – below the SKY Important Dates.

SKY'2015 Intensive School - Overview and Program


Iaakov Exman
School of Computer Science, HIT = Holon Institute of Technology
Brief Bio
Prof. Iaakov Exman, has a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and has done post-doctoral research at Stanford University, California, USA, in the area of Artificial Intelligence-based discovery of potentially novel medication structures for the pharmaceutical industries. Back in Israel, he had ten years of experience at the Aerospace Industries and has founded and worked in parallel computing software start-ups. Currently he is a professor of Software Engineering at the School of Computer Science of the Holon Institute of Technology. His research interests and publications are centered on Theory of Software based upon linear algebraic methods and more recently on Quantum Software Theory equally applicable to quantum, classical and hybrid software systems. He is a coeditor of the book “Quantum Software – Aspects of Theory and System Design” (2024) published by Springer.
Juan Llorens
Carlos III of Madrid University
Brief Bio
Juan Llorens is Professor at the Informatics Department of the Carlos III University of Madrid - Spain. He received his MS degree in Industrial Engineer from the ICAI Polytechnic School at the UPC University in Madrid in 1986, Spain, and his PhD in Industrial Engineering and robotics at the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain in 1996. Dr. Llorens is the leader of the KR Group (Knowledge Reuse Group) within the University. In 1998 he was invited to the Högskolan på Åland (HÅ) (Åland, Finland). From 1998 to 2008 he split his educational activities between Madrid's University and the HÅ, where he taught different Software Engineering subjects. His CV is presented in: .LinkedIn .Research Gate
Anabel Fraga
Carlos III of Madrid University
Brief Bio
Dr. Anabel Fraga is a Computer Engineering professional. Previous to set aside in the academic work, she committed her efforts in the industry as UNIX/Windows Administrator, Application Administrator for Telecom companies, Project Management and Consultancy. She obtained in 2004 her E-commerce and Networking Msc. in the Carlos III University of Madrid and in 2010 her PhD degree in Computer Science in the same university at the Knowledge Reuse Research Group. Her central areas of research are: Software Architecture, Information Engineering, Knowledge Management, Requirement Engineering, Systems Engineering, ITIL/ISO20000 and Reuse; but she is also interested in Ethics, Innovative methods of learning for supporting new software architects and the improvement of the CS Curriculum. She is Visiting Professor of Software/Systems engineering, Information/Knowledge Engineering and Programming in Carlos III University of Madrid. She is member of ACM CSTA, INCOSE, AEIS and IASA, and she is one of the leaders of the IASA Chapter of Madrid.


Jose M. Alvarez
Carlos III of Madrid University (Spain)

Brief Bio
Dr. Jose María Alvarez Rodríguez a holds a PhD about eProcurement, formal semantics and Linked Data (2012) by the University of Oviedo, Spain. He has more than 10 years of experience working in the R&D&i areas of public and private institutions. He has also participated in more than 18 research projects in different competitive programmes. He is the author of more than 50 publications and other research works in the main international venues and impact factor journals. He is also member of international groups such as the OSLC Requirements Management (RM) group and INCOSE (International Council of Systems Engineering).
Program Committee - Chair
Reuven Yagel
JCE – The Jerusalem College of Engineering – Azrieli

Brief Bio
Reuven Yagel is a lecturer for Software Engineering at Azrieli - Jerusalem College of Engineering, Israel. Current research interests are resiliency and security of cloud computing infrastructure, and software engineering methods and tools in particular testing and configuration management.
"Software Knowledge" – in short SKY – means that software in its higher abstraction levels is a new kind of knowledge, Runnable knowledge as an end goal. Thus, the classes and relationships of a software system design are easily viewed as classes and relationships in a knowledge ontology. For further details visit The main theme of the SKY2015 Workshop is Big Data in Software Knowledge. The exponential growth and availability of data, both structured and unstructured is the main focus point for SKY2015. Time is ripe to investigate the promising implications of Big Data and new ideas on how to deal with huge amounts of Knowledge in the System Environments.

The Workshop main objective is to discuss and propose practical tools and scientific approaches to deal not only with experimental and laboratory research, but to facilitate the management of Big Data for industrial systems.
Topics of Interest
Software Knowledge is a runnable expression of meaning. Running facilitates understanding in a very general sense. This is the rationale for the debugging process in a micro scale, where one runs and breaks at desired points to understand the reason of software failures. This is the basis of agile methods to manufacture and test concurrently, in a medium scale. This is the possible source of great new tools, in a macro scale, from the software hierarchy highest abstraction levels down to executable code.

SKY2015 topics of relevance include but are not limited to:

Software-Knowledge Big Data: Tools, Operations and Methods
  • Big Data in the Software-Knowledge view
  • Dealing with huge amounts of Knowledge
  • Big Data in the Cloud
  • Big Data Analytics and Data Mining
  • Natural Language Processing for Big Data
  • Dealing with diverse kinds of Big Data
  • Capture, manage, process and visualize data within a tolerable elapsed time
  • Big social and semantic data analysis
  • Sentiment-based indexing and information retrieval
  • Opinion mining
  • Machine Learning and Big Data
  • Large scale Knowledge management
  • Software Knowledge for higher level services and tools (e.g, Hadoop, Hive)
Software-Knowledge Runnability and Meaning
  • Ontologies in complex systems
  • Ontologies for Software Requirements verification
  • Semantics above and beyond design patterns
  • Runnable and testable knowledge representations
  • Software-Knowledge representation and modeling
  • Web dynamics and interestingness
  • Software-Knowledge Requirements for Large Scale Systems
  • Abstract Operations for Industrial Applications
  • Software-Knowledge selectivity and traceability
  • Software-Knowledge Sharing: Meta-models, interchange formats, and tools
  • Knowledge Driven Architecture and Engineering
Expected Outcomes
Expected outcomes of the SKY2015 Workshop are:

⇒ Proposals of new tools, techniques, methods and methodologies for large-scale Software-Knowledge Big Data management.

⇒ A continuing effort to standardize a Software-Knowledge representation consisting of software models encompassing semantics as first class objects.
Paper Submission: September 10, 2015 (expired)
Authors Notification: September 18, 2015
Camera Ready and Registration: September 25, 2015
SKY Challenge Paper and Results Submission: October 9, 2015
SKY Challenge Authors Notification and Registration: October 25, 2015
SKY'2015 Challenge – Summary
The SKY'2015 Challenge is proposed in three different tracks aiming at exploring new solutions for well-known problems in the software engineering domain:
1) the first track consists on analyzing quality in software product lines reusing the datasets available in the SPLOT repository to validate the accuracy of the proposed feature models.
2) The second track consists on providing solutions for recovering traceability links between requirements in a system and/or software development process. The solution should formally represent requirements and automatically build a traceability matrix between requirements in different scopes: stakeholder, system, functional and non-functional requirements and
3) the third track consists of analyzing existing software repositories to extract insights of the development processes. To do so, solutions should reuse the datasets and information available from different social coding platforms such as GitHub or Bitbucket to provide and discover the implicit knowledge generated in both the static social network and the stream of events. For complete details, please download the pdf file of the Call for SKY'2015 Challenge at the top of this web page.
The SKY Intensive School deals with topics of importance for the Software Knowledge community, i.e. those involving Knowledge regarding all aspects of Software. The SKY Intensive School activities, each lasting about 45 minutes, will be conducted only by invited researchers and practitioners, having significant experience in their respective fields.
The intended audience of the SKY Intensive School encompasses active professionals (researchers and practitioners) and students in their advanced years of study or learning toward their higher post-graduation degrees. At the end of the SKY Intensive School, participants are expected to have a solid introduction to the specific fields dealt with during the SKY Intensive School – either theoretical, practical techniques or hands-on experience – enabling posterior deepening and actual application in the participant work area.
For complete details, please download the pdf file of the SKY'2015 Intensive School at the top of this web page.
Program Committee
Miriam Allalouf, Azrieli College of Engineering, Jerusalem, Israel
Jose M. Alvarez, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
Sidney Bailin, Knowledge Evolution, Inc., United States
Shlomi Dolev, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Iaakov Exman, The Jerusalem College of Engineering, Israel
Yishai Feldman, IBM Research - Haifa, Israel
Anabel Fraga, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
Reuven Gallant, Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT), Israel
Gonzalo Genova, Carlos III of Madrid University, Spain
Paulo Gomes, Cisuc - Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Juan Miguel Gómez, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
Juan Llorens, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
Gil Regev, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
David Rine, George Mason University, United States
Dumitru Roman, SINTEF / University of Oslo, Norway
Michal Smialek, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Ioan Toma, STI-Innsbruck, Austria
Rafael Valencia-Garcia, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Reuven Yagel, The Jerusalem College of Engineering, Israel
Advisory Committee
To be announced soon.
Invited Speakers

Formal Ontology, Patterns and Anti-Patterns for Next-Generation Conceptual Modeling
Giancarlo Guizzardi
Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil and Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA), Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology, Italian National Research Council (CNR)
Brief Bio
Giancarlo Guizzardi holds a PhD (with the highest distinction) in Computer Science from the University of Twente, in The Netherlands. He coordinates the Ontology and Conceptual Modeling Group (NEMO) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo in Brazil. He is also an Associate Researcher at the Laboratory of Applied Ontology (ISTC-CNR), Trento, Italy. Between 2013 and 2015, he was also a Visiting Professor at the University of Trento, Italy. He has been doing research in ontology and conceptual modeling for the past two decades and has published over 170 publications in these areas (including 9 award-wining publications). Over the years, he has contributed to the ontology and conceptual modeling communities in roles such as keynote speaker (e.g., ER), general chair (e.g., FOIS), tutorialist (e.g., CAISE, ER) and PC Chair (e.g., FOIS, EDOC). He is an associate editor of the Applied Ontology journal and is a member of editorial boards of a number of other international journals (e.g., Requirements Engineering). Between 2012 and 2014, he was an elected member of the Executive Council of the International Association of Ontologies and its Applications (IAOA) and currently is a member of its Advisory Board (since 2014). Finally, his experience in ontology-driven conceptual modeling has also been acquired in a number of industrial projects in domains such as off-shore software development, energy, digital journalism, government, telecommunications, product recommendation, and complex media management.
In his ACM Turing Award Lecture entitled "The Humble Programmer", E. W. Dijkstra discusses the sheer complexity one has to deal with when programming large computer systems. His article represented an open call for an acknowledgement of the complexity at hand and for the need of more sophisticated techniques to master this complexity. This talk advocates the view that we are now in an analogous situation with respect to Conceptual Modeling. We will experience an increasing demand for building Reference Conceptual Models in subject domains in reality, as well as employing them to address classes of problems, for which sophisticated ontological distinctions are demanded. One of these key problems is Semantic Interoperability. Effective semantic interoperability requires an alignment between worldviews or, to put it more accurately, it requires the precise understanding of the relation between the (inevitable) ontological commitments assumed by different conceptual models and the systems based on them (including sociotechnical systems). This talk advocates the view that an approach that neglects true ontological distinctions (i.e., Ontology in the philosophical sense) cannot meet these requirements. The talk discusses the importance of foundational axiomatic theories and principles in the design of conceptual modeling languages and models. Moreover, it discusses the role played by three types of complexity management tools: Ontological Design Patterns (ODPs) as methodological mechanisms for encoding these ontological theories; Ontology Pattern Languages (OPLs) as systems of representation that take ODPs as higher-granularity modeling primitives; and Ontological Anti-Patterns (OAPs) as structures that can be used to systematically identify possible deviations between the set of valid state of affairs admitted by a model (the actual ontological commitment) and the set of state of affairs actually intended by the stakeholders (the intended ontological commitment). Finally, the talk elaborates on the need for proper computational tools to support a process of pattern-based conceptual model creation, analysis, transformation and validation (via model simulation).

Learning the Meaning of Language and Using it Creatively
Dr. Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira
Center for Informatics and Systems, Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra
Brief Bio
Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira is a researcher in the Center of Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC), Portugal, and a PhD holder since May 2013. His research activities started in 2006, with the development of Tra-la-Lyrics, a system for the automatic generation of text, given a rhythm, in the scope of his MSc degree in Computer Science, obtained in 2007, in the University of Coimbra (UC). Hugo was a researcher of Linguateca, a distributed language resource center for Portuguese, where he worked on the development of the lexical network PAPEL, automatically extracted from a Portuguese dictionary, and he co-organized the Second HAREM, an evaluation campaign on Portuguese Named Entity Recognition. As a student of the Doctoral Program in Information Science and Technology, also in the UC, he developed Onto.PT, a wordnet-like lexical ontology for Portuguese, and ECO, its automatic creation approach from textual sources. Since September 2013, Hugo is an (Invited) Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics Engineering of the UC. He currently works on Information Extraction and Natural Language Processing (NLP), in the scope of national projects, and he is involved in the FP7 project ConCreTe -- Concept Creation Technologies -- where he has been applying different NLP tools and resources to produce creative text, including poetry, in different languages, or humor, in Portuguese.
Unlike programming languages, natural language is ambiguous. To deal with semantic ambiguities, applications often resort to wordnets, knowledge bases structured in the words of a language and their meanings. There are wordnets for many languages, mostly handcrafted or relying on the translation of Princeton WordNet, the original, which targets English and is the product of 30 years of manual labor. The first part of this talk will present ECO, an alternative approach for learning wordnets automatically from dictionaries and other textual resources of a language. Semantic relations are extracted, concepts are discovered from the synonymy relations, and the remaining relations are attached to the most suitable concepts. ECO was applied to the creation of Onto.PT, a large Portuguese wordnet. Wordnets are useful when ambiguities need to be solved, when considering related words increases recall, or to add vocabulary and handle meaning in natural language generation systems. The second part of this talk will overview PoeTryMe, an intelligent system for poetry generation, where language is used creatively, but still with semantic and form constraints. A common feature of poetry is the presence of figurative language. So, ambiguity can be seen as a plus for this purpose, which is why PoeTryMe uses the relations in a wordnet, but does consider the different senses of the same word.

Ontology-based Systems Engineering - The Smart Way of Realizing Complex Systems
Ralf Bogusch
Airbus Defence and Space
Brief Bio
Dr. Ralf Bogusch received a MS degree in Technical Cybernetics from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 1992 and his PhD in Computer-aided Modelling from the Technical University of Aachen, Germany, in 2001. After his academic career, he has practiced application of software and systems engineering in the aerospace and automotive industry for fifteen years. His research interests and published papers cover requirements engineering, product family management, model-based systems engineering and model-based testing. Currently he is an Expert for Validation and Verification Processes, Methods and Tools at Airbus Defence and Space. In this role he supports the Airbus Group PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) strategy, provides corporate trainings and leads improvement projects. He has represented Airbus Defence and Space in a number of EU funded ARTEMIS (Advanced Research & Technology for EMbedded Intelligence and Systems) projects on developing ontologies for systems engineering, pushing interoperability specifications towards standards and industrializing reference technology platforms for the development of safety-critical embedded systems. He received a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt degree in 2011 and the Airbus Engineering Award ?Top Innovation and Design? in 2012.
Systems engineering constitutes a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to enable the realization of successful systems that meet customer expectations. Today, stakeholders demand increasingly capable systems that are growing in complexity. Model-based approaches which involve application of system modelling for requirements, design, analysis, verification, and validation, are becoming more and more popular in order to deal with the increase of system complexity. However, model-based systems engineering is still in the early stage of maturity. According to the INCOSE Systems Engineering Vision 2025, formal systems modelling based on knowledge representation will be a standard practice in the future. Advanced simulation capabilities will enable under¬standing of complex system behaviour in a virtual environment, immersive technologies will allow data visualization, semantic web technologies will facilitate data integration, reasoning will aid decision making, and finally communication technologies will support collaboration across interdisciplinary teams. Ontology engineering helps advance model-based systems engineering towards this vision. For example, the combination of a controlled vocabulary and underlying formalism provides the opportunity to create high-quality requirements and models, improve semantic interoperability and enable additional analysis. This talk reports about current experiences gained from the European research project CRYSTAL and the envisioned work.


Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the topics listed above.
Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word and Latex formats) are available at: Paper Templates
Please also check the Guidelines.
Papers must be submitted electronically via the web-based submission system using the appropriated button on this page.
All accepted papers, including position papers, will be published in the workshop proceedings book and on CD-ROM support, under an ISBN reference.
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SciTePress Digital Library (
SciTePress is member of CrossRef (
Previous Editions
For information on previous SKY Workshops please visit the web site.
Registration Information
At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the workshop, and the registration fees received by September 25, 2015, in order to have the paper published in the workshop proceedings book.