IC3K is a joint conference composed of three concurrent conferences: KDIR, KEOD and KMIS. These three conferences are always co-located and held in parallel. Keynote lectures are plenary sessions and can be attended by all IC3K participants.
On Smart Data, Decisions and Processes
Jan Vanthienen, KU Leuven, Belgium
Business Ethics as Personal Ethics
João D. Neves, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Portugal
Formal Ontology, Patterns and Anti-Patterns for Next-Generation Conceptual Modeling
Giancarlo Guizzardi, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil/ (LOA), Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology, (CNR), Italy
Ontology-based Systems Engineering - The Smart Way of Realizing Complex Systems
Ralf Bogusch, , Germany
On Smart Data, Decisions and Processes
Jan Vanthienen
KU Leuven
Brief Bio
Jan Vanthienen is full professor of business & information systems engineering at KU Leuven (Belgium), Department of Decision Sciences and Information Management. He is an active researcher in the area of intelligent business systems (rules, decisions, processes, analytics).
He has published more than 150 full papers in reviewed international journals and conference proceedings. Jan is a founding member of the Leuven Institute for Research in Information Systems (LIRIS), and a member of the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society. He is or was chairholder of the bpost bank Research Chair on Actionable Customer Analytics, the Colruyt Research Chair on Smart Marketing Analytics, the PricewaterhouseCoopers Chair on E-Business and the Microsoft Research Chair on Intelligent Environments. He received an IBM Faculty Award in 2011 on smart decisions, and the Belgian Francqui Chair 2009 at FUNDP. He is co-founder and president-elect of the Benelux Association for Information Systems (BENAIS).
Jan is actively involved in the Decision Modeling & Notation standard (DMN) at OMG (Object Management Group). This standard is designed to complement the Business Process Modeling & Notation (BPMN) standard, in order to integrate and distinguish business processes and business decisions. He is also member of the IEEE task force on process mining, and co-author of the Business Process Mining Manifesto.
Modern, smart businesses use the full power of information and knowledge to reach excellent performance. Intelligence is not just about the ability to obtain, model and understand information and processes, but also about smart decisions, the capability to analyze, discover and manage knowledge, the power to adapt to new situations and events in the networked economy, and the ability to perform effectively according to business rules and policies in order to innovate and create value.
Business Ethics as Personal Ethics
João D. Neves
Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP)
Brief Bio
João César das Neves, born in 1957, married, father of four, is full professor at Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). Holds a PhD and BA in Economics (UCP), MA in Economics (Universidade Nova of Lisbon, Portugal) and MA in Operations Research and System Engineering (Universidade Técnica of Lisbon, Portugal).Currently he is President of the Scientific Council of the Catolica Lisbon Scholl of Business and Economics of UCP. He was from 1991 to 1995 economic advisor of the Portuguese Prime Minister, in 1990 advisor to the Portuguese Minister of Finance and in 1990/1991 and 1995/1997 technician at the Bank of Portugal. His research interests are poverty and development, business cycles, Portuguese economic development, medieval economic thought and Ethics. Author of more than 50 books, he is a regular commentator at the Portuguese media.
Business ethics is today an indispensable trait of any contemporary firm. But this vulgarization has, as expected, signified a reduction in value. Does the enormous activity related to social responsibility in modern business marked a real improvement in the ethical attitude of managers? Does it imply, at least, any noteworthy gain in the moral credibility of companies? How can the contemporaneous enterprise, at the cutting edge of progress, get in touch with one of the oldest and most determinant characteristics of the human behaviour?
Formal Ontology, Patterns and Anti-Patterns for Next-Generation Conceptual Modeling
Giancarlo Guizzardi
Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil/ (LOA), Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology, (CNR)
Brief Bio
Giancarlo Guizzardi holds a PhD (with the highest distinction) in Computer Science from the University of Twente, in The Netherlands. He coordinates the Ontology and Conceptual Modeling Group (NEMO) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo in Brazil. He is also an Associate Researcher at the Laboratory of Applied Ontology (ISTC-CNR), Trento, Italy. Between 2013 and 2015, he was also a Visiting Professor at the University of Trento, Italy. He has been doing research in ontology and conceptual modeling for the past two decades and has published over 170 publications in these areas (including 9 award-wining publications). Over the years, he has contributed to the ontology and conceptual modeling communities in roles such as keynote speaker (e.g., ER), general chair (e.g., FOIS), tutorialist (e.g., CAISE, ER) and PC Chair (e.g., FOIS, EDOC). He is an associate editor of the Applied Ontology journal and is a member of editorial boards of a number of other international journals (e.g., Requirements Engineering). Between 2012 and 2014, he was an elected member of the Executive Council of the International Association of Ontologies and its Applications (IAOA) and currently is a member of its Advisory Board (since 2014). Finally, his experience in ontology-driven conceptual modeling has also been acquired in a number of industrial projects in domains such as off-shore software development, energy, digital journalism, government, telecommunications, product recommendation, and complex media management.
In his ACM Turing Award Lecture entitled “The Humble Programmer”, E. W. Dijkstra discusses the sheer complexity one has to deal with when programming large computer systems. His article represented an open call for an acknowledgement of the complexity at hand and for the need of more sophisticated techniques to master this complexity. This talk advocates the view that we are now in an analogous situation with respect to Conceptual Modeling. We will experience an increasing demand for building Reference Conceptual Models in subject domains in reality, as well as employing them to address classes of problems, for which sophisticated ontological distinctions are demanded.
One of these key problems is Semantic Interoperability. Effective semantic interoperability requires an alignment between worldviews or, to put it more accurately, it requires the precise understanding of the relation between the (inevitable) ontological commitments assumed by different conceptual models and the systems based on them (including sociotechnical systems). This talk advocates the view that an approach that neglects true ontological distinctions (i.e., Ontology in the philosophical sense) cannot meet these requirements. The talk discusses the importance of foundational axiomatic theories and principles in the design of conceptual modeling languages and models. Moreover, it discusses the role played by three types of complexity management tools: Ontological Design Patterns (ODPs) as methodological mechanisms for encoding these ontological theories; Ontology Pattern Languages (OPLs) as systems of representation that take ODPs as higher-granularity modeling primitives; and Ontological Anti-Patterns (OAPs) as structures that can be used to systematically identify possible deviations between the set of valid state of affairs admitted by a model (the actual ontological commitment) and the set of state of affairs actually intended by the stakeholders (the intended ontological commitment).
Finally, the talk elaborates on the need for proper computational tools to support a process of pattern-based conceptual model creation, analysis, transformation and validation (via model simulation).
Ontology-based Systems Engineering - The Smart Way of Realizing Complex Systems
Brief Bio
Dr. Ralf Bogusch received a MS degree in Technical Cybernetics from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 1992 and his PhD in Computer-aided Modelling from the Technical University of Aachen, Germany, in 2001. After his academic career, he has practiced application of software and systems engineering in the aerospace and automotive industry for fifteen years. His research interests and published papers cover requirements engineering, product family management, model-based systems engineering and model-based testing. Currently he is an Expert for Validation and Verification Processes, Methods and Tools at Airbus Defence and Space. In this role he supports the Airbus Group PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) strategy, provides corporate trainings and leads improvement projects. He has represented Airbus Defence and Space in a number of EU funded ARTEMIS (Advanced Research & Technology for EMbedded Intelligence and Systems) projects on developing ontologies for systems engineering, pushing interoperability specifications towards standards and industrializing reference technology platforms for the development of safety-critical embedded systems. He received a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt degree in 2011 and the Airbus Engineering Award “Top Innovation and Design” in 2012.
Systems engineering constitutes a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to enable the realization of successful systems that meet customer expectations. Today, stakeholders demand increasingly capable systems that are growing in complexity. Model-based approaches which involve application of system modelling for requirements, design, analysis, verification, and validation, are becoming more and more popular in order to deal with the increase of system complexity. However, model-based systems engineering is still in the early stage of maturity.
According to the INCOSE Systems Engineering Vision 2025, formal systems modelling based on knowledge representation will be a standard practice in the future. Advanced simulation capabilities will enable understanding of complex system behaviour in a virtual environment, immersive technologies will allow data visualization, semantic web technologies will facilitate data integration, reasoning will aid decision making, and finally communication technologies will support collaboration across interdisciplinary teams.
Ontology engineering helps advance model-based systems engineering towards this vision. For example, the combination of a controlled vocabulary and underlying formalism provides the opportunity to create high-quality requirements and models, improve semantic interoperability and enable additional analysis. This talk reports about current experiences gained from the European research project CRYSTAL and the envisioned work.